Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Done with Color Guard Practice

I am done with my color guard practice. I found out that today's practice was the fourth meeting. I was not happy. They should have told me when and where the meetings were. Oh and the rain didn't effect the practice. Well, anyway, I was supposed to go and do color guard for the parade this weekend, but I will be on my Church's float, and I barely know the counts for the song we are doing. The float my church is doing is based on the VBS we did last week. The theme was called "Avalanche Ranch." I was the choreographer! YAY ME!! We learned how to line dance, so from now on, whenever I choreograph the dances, there will be at least one song with line dancing to it. Well that was my day so I will blog later.


Today I am going off to colorguard practice at the middle school. I hope I will have fun. Well outside it is pouring small buckets of rain. No, maybe just regular buckets. I will have to do a new post later on or tomorrow about what has happened here, but for now.
TTFN,(ta ta for now)


So You Think You Know Me
1) Alright, here is something simple; what's my favorite pair of colours?
black & blue
grey & orange
pink & black
orange & pink