Sunday, October 5, 2008


Well in Dwight we got 2nd in Morris we got 1st.

Today was the church picnic thing. It was a bucket full of fun. Dad and Mr. Jim whooped Pastor Nate and Meredith in bean bags 21-5 :). Then Dad and Robert beat Ms. Judy and Mr. Roger. I have just suddenly realized the church should have a blog it would be really kool. :).

I had a lovely conversation with Ms. Christine (about by iPod none the less). Ms. Patty was not there ).: So yeah good food, great conversations. It was a lot of fun (although the conversation about hunting animals was a bit weird and I still don't know the end of it). Yeah well love you all! Bye!


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So You Think You Know Me
1) Alright, here is something simple; what's my favorite pair of colours?
black & blue
grey & orange
pink & black
orange & pink
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