Saturday, February 13, 2010

Angel Quotes

[Gunn: "and what am I supposed to do? Sit home and knit?"
Angel: "I could use a sweater"]

[Cordy: (to Darla) "You're our prisoner."
Wes: "I'd have to concur with that, yes
Cordy: see? You've got our friend all in knots."
Wes: "Can't say we like you much."
Cordy: "So, sorry about the dying, but if you try to escape we will
hit you..."
Wes: "On the head..."
Cordy: "With large and heavy objects. K?"] The Trial


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So You Think You Know Me
1) Alright, here is something simple; what's my favorite pair of colours?
black & blue
grey & orange
pink & black
orange & pink
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